Here’s how Biden explains his missed debate in front of Trump: I almost fell asleep on stage

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Joe Biden, President of the United States. Photo: Profimedia

Joe Biden said on Tuesday that his missed debate on Thursday before Donald Trump was explained by fatigue related to his recent international trips, in June he traveled to France and then Italy, according to AFP, Agerpres reported. “I didn’t listen to my advisers,” Biden says.

The U.S. president credited him for “traveling around the world several times” just before the showdown, and that it “almost made him fall asleep on stage” during a meeting with Democratic donors near Washington.

“It’s not an excuse, but an explanation,” Biden added.

“I didn’t listen to my advisers,” the 81-year-old said five days after a Democratic debate in which he was nearly flustered and at times outright lost to the Republican front-runner, whom he will face in November’s presidential election. .

Until now, the main argument of Joe Biden’s supporters has been that he had a “bad evening” and that he is suffering from a “cold” that makes it difficult for him to speak.

The disastrous debate has sparked a wave of panic in the Democratic camp, where some are already openly questioning Joe Biden’s abilities and the future of his candidacy.

The US President visited France from June 5 to 9 for a state visit and the anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy. On the day of his arrival, June 5, after traveling through the night, he spent the day in a hotel.

He then flew to Italy from June 12 to 14 for the G7 summit, after which he headed straight to a campaign event in California.

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The Democrat retreated to his Camp David home near Washington for six days to prepare for the debate with his advisers, during which he held no public action.

Publisher: CLB

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